Concord, NC
If you came here looking for a church home, we have a Welcome Brochure you can read. Please click here to see the brochure. 
Next Sunday
October 20, 2024

22nd Sunday after Pentecost

There will be two services Sunday, October 20
8:30 am: Contemporary Service
11:00 am: Traditional Service

Tap here to see recordings of the October 13 services

On Sunday, October 20, tap here to visit our YouTube Channel to live-stream services

Scripture, Sunday, October 20

Isaiah 53:4-12
The suffering servant
Psalm 91:9-16
You have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your habitation. (Ps. 91:9)
Hebrews 5:1-10
Through suffering Christ becomes the source of salvation
Mark 10:35-45
Warnings to ambitious disciples

Seeking an End to Tyranny

Today’s gospel starts with disciples obsessing over who will be closest to Jesus, leading to Jesus teaching his followers about God’s take on importance and power. Here Jesus makes it explicit that the reversal of values in God’s community is a direct challenge to the values of the dominant culture, where wielding power over others is what makes you great. 

When we pray “your kingdom come” we are praying for an end to tyranny and oppression. We pray this gathered around the cross, a sign of great shame transformed to be the sign of great honor and service.

Consider Joining Us

Church Council
We would love for you to join our church family.
We have a Welcome Brochure you can read. Please click here to see the brochure..

You can also reach out to by email to  for more information about joining our congregation.

Crop Walk Sunday, October 13!!

Calvary Church is once again participating in the Crop Walk at Kimball Memorial Lutheran Church in Kannapolis on October 13th!

If you would like to participate, please call the church office 704-782-6923 by September 15th to tell us your shirt size.

 You will also need to register on the Crop Walk website.
Several expressions of the Lutheran Church have sprung into action to provide assistance and relief: On the national level, Lutheran Disaster Response. In the Carolinas, Lutheran Disaster Response in the Carolinas, and in our state, The North Carolina Synod Disaster Fund which is used to support affected NC congregations.

By clicking on the links you can learn about each organization's approach, obtain helpful information that you may want to pass on if you know folks in the affected areas, and you can make a special donation.

You may want to pay special attention to LDR Carolinas' blog and to this helpful checklist from Pastor Rusty Kehl, a former contractor, on how storm-affected people might want to deal with contractors. (If you know someone affected, you may want to share that document with him/her.)

Growing in Faith 
Began September 15th at 9:45am

"Lord, teach us to pray" and Jesus responds to his disciples' request: "Pray like this,"

Join us September 15 as we explore how the Lord's Prayer that Jesus gave us can "shape our lives and change the world." We will have a video-based study of Adam Hamilton's text "The Lord's Prayer: The Meaning and Power of the Prayer Jesus Taught".

Throughout the year we will explore other topics at 9:45 on Sunday mornings.

  • We use engaging video-based curriculums that consist of 5-18 minute videos on a range of topics. These videos are grounded in Scripture and applicable to issues we deal with in our everyday life as Christians.
  • A group facilitator offers questions that encourage us to share our own insights and questions about the topic of study as we explore our faith together.
  • This group offers an opportunity for fellowship and getting to know fellow members better.
Come join us as we strive to "grow in compassionate relationships, faith, service, and generosity through Christ."
On "All Saints Sunday" many Christian churches remember the saints in their congregation who joined The Church Triumphant during the previous year. We will do this at Calvary at both worship services--with one NEW twist.

In addition to the departed saints of the congregation, we want to remember and pray for family members, friends, relatives, acquaintances, etc. who died during the preceding 12 months.

If you would like to have the name of a departed person who was dear to you included in the prayers and remembrances on All Saints Sunday, please convey that information to Susan in the church office, either by phone or via email.

The deadline for submissions is Monday, October 28.
This Saturday, October 12th from 8:30 until noon Calvary will be having a Church Workday. Our hopes are that you will be able to spend a morning helping to spruce up the Calvary campus.

We plan to haul and spread mulch, prune, chase fire ants, throw ALL outdated and neglected items from the refrigerator, replace burnt out light bulbs, maybe re-hang the Church signs if they are finished renovation and any other items that come to light.

Remember what Pastor Hahn said during his Sermon. Are you a Tier 1, 2, or 3 Congregational Member?

Water and Gator Aid will be furnished as well as most tools. If you have some, please mark them and bring them with you.

Calvary's Community Outreach

Every day, the people of Calvary are putting their Christian faith into action. We partner with local and international organizations such as Cooperative Christian Ministry, Winecoff Elementary School, Samaritan’s Purse, ELCA World Hunger Appeal, and Habitat for Humanity to lend a hand with hunger, housing, and education needs in our community and world. We hope that you will use this calendar to put your faith into action, live the greatest commandment, and be a disciple of Christ in 2024.

Tap here to view Calvary's Community Outreach Calendar for 2024

Consecration Sunday is October 27th

October 27 is "Consecration Sunday" at Calvary. This event has three components:

(1) A catered celebration meal immediately following the worship service. (Be sure to make your meal reservation or indicate your regrets so the planning team knows whether you are coming or not! We don't want to leave anyone out. Reply at worship on Sunday or here online.)

(2) The congregation will gather as one for a "Celebration of Generosity" worship service at 10 AM. The service will focus on celebrating the work of God being done at Calvary and the community because of the financial gifts from members and friends of Calvary.

(3) Members and friends will have the opportunity to "consecrate" (= "set apart for a holy purpose") their financial support intentions for 2025.

This promises to be a great day! You don't want to miss it!

Join Us for Our Wednesday Bible Study

We meet every Wednesday from 11:30am – 12:30pm at the Concord Sport Center lobby.
 We read and study 1 Bible chapter each week 
This week we begin 2 Corinthians, chapter 1. It's a good week to begin. All are welcome; bring a friend!

Saturday, Oct 26th @ 4:00pm

Calvary's 2024 Trunk or Treat event will be on Saturday, October 26th starting at 4:00pm. We had a blast last year, with 17 cars, meeting around 150 local children/neighbors. We're counting on you to be there to pass out treats to our preschoolers and neighborhood children. We hope to have at least 25 cars.

This year we are adding a service opportunity! All participants and attendees are invited to bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate to our "Toy Shop" parade float for the 2024 Concord Christmas Parade. All toys will be donated to a local toy collection following the parade.

Afterward you can enjoy a hotdog supper at the shelter,. To continue the fun Journey in Faith will have games ready for the boooys and ghouls to play.

Please click here to sign up your vehicle online or contact Lisa Hunkele or the church office to let us know you'll be able to come and hand out treats!

Tap here to learn about Trunk or Treat
First of all:  be sure to bring treats!

We line up your cars in the parking lot, and the kids go from car to car to trick-or-treat!

You might use some of your Halloween decorations
on/around your car. You might even like to wear a costume. You can be as simple or elaborate as you like. 
Our Mission:
To grow in compassionate relationships, faith, service, and generosity through Christ
Services are Sunday mornings at 8:30am & 11:00am unless otherwise stated on the Latest Info Page
The red marker in the center of the map shows our location:
950 Bradley St
Concord, NC 28025