Concord, NC
If you came here looking for a church home, we have a Welcome Brochure you can read. Please click here to see the brochure
This Sunday
July 21, 2024

The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

There will be two services this Sunday.
Contemporary service: 8:30
Traditional service: 11:00
Tap here to view either service on Calvary's YouTube channel

Scripture this Sunday

Jeremiah 23:1-6 From David’s line, a righteous shepherd for Israel
Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want. (Ps. 23:1)
Ephesians 2:11-22 Reconciled to God through Christ, our peace
Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 Christ healing the multitudes

This Sunday, Pastor Joe Glymph will lead us in worship

Joe Glymph has recently retired as pastor of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Largo, FL. Joe grew up in South Carolina, Greenville being his hometown. After graduation from school, he worked with a construction engineering company for 10 years before attending seminary. His first call was in Charleston, before moving to Clearwater where he served at Prince of Peace for 24 years.

Worship Theme: Care for Yourself

Mark’s gospel makes clear how great is the press of the crowd, with its countless needs to be met, on Jesus and his disciples. Yet in today’s gospel Jesus advises his disciples to get away and rest, to take care of themselves. Sometimes we think that when others are in great need we shouldn’t think of ourselves at all; but Jesus also honors the caregivers’ need. We are sent from Christ’s table to care for others and for ourselves.

Consider Joining Us

We would love for you to join our church family.
We have a Welcome Brochure you can read. Please click here to see the brochure..

You can also reach out to by email to  for more information about joining our congregation.

Sunday School Class this Summer

Children's Sunday School classes are taking a break for the summer months.

Adult Sunday School meets between services in the Fellowship Hall. 

See the description of this summer's Adult Sunday School class below...

Sunday School Continuing July 21

Our class began July 7 and is continuing this week.

The theme is Civic Life and Faith .

America is in political turmoil. Extremism, polarization, hateful rhetoric, and partisan fighting by our leadership are dividing the country.

What does God want? As both Christians and citizens, what are we to do?

This class will help each of us to consider responses to these questions. Scripture and an ELCA draft document, Civic Life and Faith, will serve as resources.

Job Postings

Calvary search committees have posted job listings for two positions:
Youth Director (Part Time) click here to read the job description and requirements
Director of Instrumental Programs (Part Time)
click here to read the job description and requirements

The committees are reviewing resumes and scheduling interviews for these positions.

To apply for either or these positions or to ask questions, please send an email to

Calvary Garden Ministry

Our garden is thriving thanks to the work of our dedicated gardeners. And our garden has some visitors: a 6-inch turtle, and some culprit that dug 4 holes! So far 207 pounds of vegetables have been picked and delivered to our local food pantry.


Vacation Bible School 2024 at Calvary will be Sunday, July 21-23, starting with a meal at 5:30pm and VBS starting at 6:00pm.

Our theme is Compassion Camp - What Every Living Thing Needs from Illustrated Ministry. We'll use nature, animals and the elements to learn about what every living thing needs:
Shelter, Food, Water, Air and Community.

VBS is offered for children ages 3 through those who have just completed 5th grade, with a nursery available for children ages 2 and under.

New this year is an Adult Meeting Room, just for grown-ups! Adults with children in VBS (or without) will have their own entertaining session.

To register a child, please click here to access the registration form.

If you’d like to volunteer you may sign-up on the paper sign-up sheets outside the choir room, or sign-up online by clicking here.

Calvary's Community Outreach

Every day, the people of Calvary are putting their Christian faith into action. We partner with local and international organizations such as Cooperative Christian Ministry, Winecoff Elementary School, Samaritan’s Purse, ELCA World Hunger Appeal, and Habitat for Humanity to lend a hand with hunger, housing, and education needs in our community and world. We hope that you will use this calendar to put your faith into action, live the greatest commandment, and be a disciple of Christ in 2024.

Tap here to view Calvary's Community Outreach Calendar for 2024

My Father's House Meal

My Father's House provides a safe and stable environment for families to live, while giving them
an opportunity to develop their resources and skills.

Calvary is scheduled to provide a meal for the residents on Tuesday, August 6 at 274 Spring St., NW, Concord. 

Will you help feed them? Please sign up on the bulletin board outside the choir room or contact Rosie Schieber. Thank you.

Summer Bible Reading Plan!

You are invited to join with folks across the synod to read the Bible in this year's Summer Bible Reading Plan: Genesis Generations II! 

Last summer's Genesis Generations, took us through the first half of Genesis; we now pick up where we left off beginning on Sunday, July 7. (Catch up by reading through last summer's readings.) 

Subscribe to receive a daily email, watch the homepage for daily posts, or listen to daily podcast episodes.
Please note: You do not need to have participated last year in order to join this year!

Calvary  Cafe

Would you like to sponsor Coffee Fellowship Time one Sunday morning? Evangelism is inviting individuals and families to participate. You make the coffee, provide the treats, and clean up afterward. Complete instructions are in the kitchen near the coffee maker.

You can now sign up to sponsor only one week!

You may sign up on the paper sign up sheet near the choir room, or sign up online by clicking here.
Our Mission:
To grow in compassionate relationships, faith, service, and generosity through Christ
Services are Sunday mornings at 8:30am & 11:00am unless otherwise stated on the Latest Info Page
The red marker in the center of the map shows our location:
950 Bradley St
Concord, NC 28025